But there were different plans

Super, super sorry for my delay of things. I'm back now, so this should be moving swiftly. 400+


If it was anything that expressed certain delightful pleasures in the world, Asha Amara had to say that she loved the mid-summer rains, or the monsoon season that moved in within the summer months. There was just something about it that was so invigorating, not to mention exciting. The smell of fresh rain and moisture was one that the red-wolf enjoyed to smell, and to hear the majestic sounds of thunder roll in the sky, coupled with the bright flashes of lightning, it was movement of mother nature put into fabulous motion all at once. The whipping winds, the torrent of rain, everything to stimulate the five senses happened.
With her soft amber gaze peering to the clouded skies overhead, she wished and hoped to the Spirit Guide gods that they would permit some rain for the time being. Especially in the fact that their harvesting grounds needed watering, it would certainly be of a great help to the Tribe as a whole if rain could come and offer its gift of water for later nourishment and flourishing to their soils. There would be no need for the Amara woman to remain confined in the dry and dark corners of her cabin; she embraced this rainy season, and wished to be a part of such. Her equine, however, was not entirely entitled to share such a same passion, but would be tolerant of such. Aidan remained outside her cabin a couple feet away, grazing in the tall grasses of her house. Asha set off down a dusty path of the Tribe lands, her destination unknown, but figured would pay a visit down by the village to see if anyone else would be interested in having a little "rain dance" per se.
It seemed as if she would find company soon enough, however, as her gaze traveled to the far broken fence borders, there was a figure walking toward the lands. Stopping for a moment, her eyes scutinized the individual, not seeing such a presence before, no recognizing the scent that it carried with it. Seeing that these differences were usually uncommon to see in the Tribe lands, Asha made no hesitation to stroll on over to the approaching individual. Her tail behind her flicked, as one arm was extended in a wave. "Greetings there!" She called out at first. "Beautiful weather today, isn't it?" Her icebreaker to this encounter opened with a casual statement.


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