But there were different plans


The further Mati moved into the territory the more comfortable she became. She had felt the urge to turn and look back to the open from which she entered, but as the paw-steps passed her confidence grew. With a childish grin the young woman fished something from her bag. It took a moment but she was able to find him beside the small sketchbook and handle the small creature without poking her hand. Holding the small pin-cushioned beast Mati let his small black eyes scan the landscape as she did. It wasn’t right to bring her friend all this way and not let him see the sights.

They were not alone long, and the girl was not surprise to be found so quickly. But the woman that approached did not find her presence a problem. The Dreamer slowed, and stopped as the female moved close, smiling gently at the friendly gesture. “Hello” she responded, giving a broader smile and relaxing as she answered. “Of course.” Mati was not sure if the other was being sarcastic, or truthful with her question but she responded all the same as she looked to the clouded sky.

“I’m Mati, from Crimson Dreams” speaking as she let her eyes return to the crimson accented fey. It was only proper that she introduce herself, being the one that was trespassing and all.


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