so I'll love whatever you become
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Despite the fact he was getting used to it, every time he saw her swelled abdomen it was a little intimidating. Not for the fact that it changed how he felt, but simply because instinctively he knew that the time until the litter was born was becoming shorter and shorter. It meant his time to prepare for what was to come was running out and he felt he had done so little to prepare. How could one such as him prepare to be any sort of paternal figure? With normal people it was easier, they were around other litters that were not their own. They had more time to warm up to the idea and know how to handle it. But he didn't. It had come like a punch in the gut and he had to scramble to try and figure things out. And of course there was that ever lurking fear that he would be forced to take the young lives if they showed too strong signs of their sire. Little turned the man's stomach, but that did.

But for now Onus tried to ignore all his apprehensions and fears, focusing on the task at hand of catching a meal. Cwmfen sat near, her legs dangling into the cool water. He gave her a sideways glance and a soft smile. Having her so close calmed his heart and made the man feel at peace. When he was apart from her these days he couldn't escape from all his thoughts, but around her their volume was dulled and he was given a reprieve. She had that kind of power over him. He had never been a creature that could easily find peace in anything. The coyote wasn't particularly restless, but he had never found any true peace, not like that he found with her. He wished he could be with her and feel that way all the time.

Large ears swiveled towards the sound of crunching into one of the catches he had already made and then also caught her question. "Hmmm, hard to say. Part practice and part instinct. Eventually you just sort of-" Hand and arm sliced into the water again, coming up with another fish. "know." Onus smiled at her as he set the new fish down with the other she had yet to eat. "How many do you want? I will only eat one or two." The coyote was an incredibly light eater. Only enough to sustain him and keep his appetites content. There was no room for indulgences in food in his life. Something like that would take away his stealth and his agility, two things he relied on. His gaze fell back to the water beneath him but he continued to speak with her. "You've been doing well? Healing alright?"


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