so I'll love whatever you become
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Pregnant hungry Cwmfen makes me smile :3

Her returned smile was geniune, but he could sense the restlessness within her. He could easily understand how much it must frustrate her to be so inactive. It would have been bad enough if she had only been injured, but with her pregnancy on top of that. There really wasn't much that she could do. She was used to training, to running, to being able to take care of herself and do whatever it was that she wished. But now she was stuck. Her movements so limited. It was one reason Onus did these sorts of things for her without asking. Admitting to oneself that you needed help could be a very difficult thing, much less actually asking someone for the help. So he did it without her needing to ask him. In fact he was glad to be able to help her. He feared he might be somewhat useless once the litter was born, but at least he could do this for her. He could hunt and get food. He could provide for her and them, at least in that way.

At her response to his question the man simply continued to watch the water and wait for her to remember that it was not simply herself that she was feeding. It was probably a hard transition for any female to make, eating much more than they were used to, but Cwmfen was like him. She did not require much to get by, so needing to eat at least double what she was used to hard to be a bit hard for her mind to wrap itself around. As expected, when she spoke again she amended her number. The soft smile was still on his face, watching a fish swim close and closer. It was good to hear her laugh, even if it was not exactly the same yet as it had been before. At the final number she determined the male gave a silent sort of chuckle. "Five it is then." Now. Once again his hand darted into the water and came out with a fish. He laid it next to the other one. One more for her and then he would catch his'.

Onus was glad to hear that her healing was coming along well. At least he hadn't botched that up. Though when she spoke of the "they" he wasn't certain whether she talked about her injuries or the lives that grew inside of her. Perhaps she even spoke of both. "It's okay. That's why I'm here." Well, one of the many reasons why he was here. The only weapon that the coyote ever hunted with was a simple knife. Though he supposed catching things aside from fish would be easier with weapons, in this form anyway, which was the form he never left. "Perhaps you can teach me to hunt with other weapons. So you do not tire of fish." He didn't worry about his palate desired, whatever was easiest to find was fine with him. But it might not be so with her. Another fish was caught and set next to the other two that she had yet to get to. As she thanked him his gaze locked onto her own. "Whatever you need you know I will do." His wet hand gently brushed against her calf in a loving manner.


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