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"Alright, follow me, and stick close, we'll sprint there!" He said as he suddenly took off on all fours, bounding into the rain again with breckneck speed. Of course, he held back a little to see if Asariel would keep up, he didn't want to lose her after all. The cave turned out to be just over a hill, to which Ty quickened his pace to the dry and rather warm cave, which surprised Ty, figuring it would be cold and wet, but it wasn't bad at all. His muscles easily pushed him forward, being used to running through harsh conditions, the slippery ground barely slowed him down, not noticeable unless seen by a trained eye.

Panting lightly, Ty sat down again and rested calmly in the cave, listening to the rain pattering outside. He didn't really continue his conversation at the moment, but rather, simply enjoyed her company and relax.

But it was also partially a test, a test to see what her motives of staying with him for this long was. He had the assumption he was being hit on by her, but now he was giving her an opportunity to prove him right or wrong. Ty kept himself quiet for the moment to see what she'd do, would she snuggle up to his side? Or would she feel awkward about it and not make a motion? Or would she not make any care about it at all? He kept one eye open slightly to see what she'd do. He had a feeling he was right, but this was a true test to see if his assumptions were correct.

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