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Anya listened attentively to Ty as he told of the pack he called family. She also watched how his eyes lit up when he talked about the alpha, and his sister. So when he asked her about her own family, Anya was glad to share with him.

"My mother...we were never that close. I always thought her a coward for not standing up to my father, but she was one of the last to die. Amaya was the runt of the litter; nobody expected her to last very long. So when Father took her hunting one day, and she didn't return, we thought nothing of it. Malaki, my brother, and I were extremely close, and Father resented that." Anya paused for breath, caught up in her past. "One day, Malaki and I were romping. But Father wanted me for some reason, and I ignored him. He came running, and I wanted so badly to run from the anger in his eyes. But I couldn't."

"Mother was livid when she found that he had beaten me; her anger was what killed her. They fought quite often by a river in the area. She went in, and never came out. Malaki fought Father for killing her. Father told us that it was for the best, and ripped Malaki's throat out in front of me. I challenged him....and ended up here."

Anya smiled grimly. "I'm sorry for ranting. But in order to tell about my family, I had to tell about what happened to them. Malaki was the closest sibling to me, and my best friend. When Father killed him..." Anya's voice trailed off, sadly. "He was to me what your sister is to you."

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