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When she laid not but a few inches away, Ty simply muttered a small 'ah hah' under his breath, he could see now she was getting at what he thought. She WAS interested in him physically, but she was apprehensive, she wasn't ready to simply rush into it, something was holding her back. Ty didn't know what, but she wasn't willing to make that last step without coercion, without some sort of opening for her to confess, a confession that Ty would attempt to bring out of her in words, he could only hope he had the tact not to offend her.

He turned his head to face her and spoke softly, with a certain calming tone to his voice. "...It seems like you have something to say...but something is stopping you. Got something on your mind?" He asked, rolling to one side to face her. He could feel her body heat now, as they were so close, or was she just really warm? He sighed and waited for her response, hoping he wouldn't have to try much harder then that.

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