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"A number of reasons," Geneva said, not missing a beat in the conversation. She was one who would often take a time out to think things over and turn words over in her head. But she did not feel the need to be so cautious here. She did not feel the need to analyze every little thing. Ty had proven to be someone she felt safe with. Perhaps it was because he seemed to have a protective quality like his father. Either way, she felt comfortable around him.

"I used to jump at my own shadow," she admitted. "I missed out on a lot of life experiences that way." Geneva was far from fearless. She could be curious and tenacious, but in her youth fear had been the dominant drive in her life. It had created a complex self doubt inside her, and she was only now getting over that.

"I'm no good at being brave." It was a fact. She had to push herself hard to do some things. She recalled the day Addison had ventured over the sheer face of the Quarry. It had taken all of her nerve and more to move out onto the treacherous stretch of stone. "What is your secret, Ty?"

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