so I'll love whatever you become
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In the side of his vision he noticed her one hand rest upon her enlarged stomach. He found himself wondering what it was like to carry another life inside of you. As a male he would never know and he had never worried about such questions before. It had held no value to him before now. But now that the woman he loved was experiencing it, he did wonder what it was like. "Does it...hurt?" To Onus it certainly didn't look comfortable. Indeed, he had found the idea that any creatures body could stretch to such an extent impossible. If something tried to stretch his abdomen in such a way no doubt his skin would rip. It was somewhat fascinating, how new lives were brought into the world. Until now the only thing he had ever concerned himself with was taking lives out of this world.

He was glad to hear that she was not sick of fish. For her to be in such a state of immobility must wear on her nerves and he wouldn't blame her for being annoyed with having to eat the same thing over and over again. But there was something about fish that was different than the animals that were their prey on land. A different taste and texture to their muscles. If she hadn't really eaten them before then hopefully it would take some time before she tired of them. Though learning how to better hunt other prey would still be beneficial. The coyote known that primitive humans had hunted with bows, perhaps he would be able to learn that fairly easily. "I would like that. It will be good for me to be able to hunt more efficiently." Soon there would be more mouths to feed. "Of course," he said with an uncharacteristic light in his tone.

Onus had not thought about the possible consequences of that one, loving action, and as she flinched his muscles tensed. Damn him. He should have been more careful, more thoughtful of her other, nonphysical wounds that needed to heal. That is if they ever would. He had read of cases where rape victims never really recovered from their trauma and he wondered if such a thing would happen to his love. But before he was able to withdraw she grasped his hand. "It's okay. I should have been more...careful..." He squeezed her hand. Would he ever be able to touch her without bringing back the nightmares? He would stay with her no matter what, but the thought that his hands could no longer bring her pleasure and security constricted the man's heart.


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