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The pup had once again been out roaming around, though she was much more cautious now that her leg wasnt as good as it used to be, however, in her haste to get out of Da Vinci's abandoned home she also found herself wandering alot more often, the cabin wasnt really abandoned, her and Anya lived there now, but his old scents and supplies around the house made it feel more than empty.

She continued to walk, just calmly to stretch her near-crippled hind leg, she stayed in the cool shade not letting the sun reflect off her raven black markings and turn them blue. She instead just wondered aimlessly around the territory, trying to understand why Da Vinci had just up and left her and Anya together in his cabin, it was a cabin that had also caught her eye, and interupted her thoughts, it was a cabin she had seen a few times before, but it always made the curious pup investigate, the blood red blossoms that covered it were so very beautiful, the pup decided to see what they smelled like.

She walked out cautiously into the sunlight, letting her fur were once was black become a bright blue, Rendall approached the cabin and took in the sweet smell of the blooming flowers, she continued to look around the unusual red vines, they hadnt interested her before, but a wuick change of thought had made her like them more, however her nose told her that there wasnt only the blooms that gave off a scent. she crouched down defensively and looked anxiously for the wolf to show herself....

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