so I'll love whatever you become
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The woad bound ears pressed forward, her gaze lifting at that question. There was a brief silence in which she considered the answer. But in the end, she knew that it was only the wound that Brennt had given her that caused her physical pain. "No," the soft alto replied slowly. "Just...cumbersome." That was the best word that she could think of to describe it. She had to mind where she was going in a different way than she was accustom, and she had a constant worry that she would somehow damage the life inside. That was one reason why she did not push herself as she would normally do. It was instinct that stilled her, and she obeyed. She could not deny that strange contentment that she felt from bearing life within her, that strange...feeling that was another’s heartbeat. It made that unfamiliar twinge of guilt sound quietly in her soul when she looked at him, when she thought of her own selfish discontent. She should have overcome such inferior emotions, but it seemed that she still had much to learn, even in an arena with which she was familiar.

A simple nod was the reply she gave to him, but there was an unfamiliar excitement within her. Every moment he spent with her seemed to brush away the intangible darkness within her. If she would be able to teach him, then it would be more time she could spend with him, more chances in which she could say ‘I love you’ in the silence. His agreeable reply sounded through the air like a bright, golden leaf carried on the wind. The imperceptible smile brightened, becoming more visible, a shade of what had once graced her maw.

The woad marked female found that she had been holding her breath, as if she had gasped, and the black fae released it slowly, quietly. She listened to that gruff voice, the white orbs lingering upon her grip upon his hand, that gentle squeeze. "No," she countered quietly. No, it was not his fault. "I should be—" Stronger. "—better," she finished instead, her voice so very quiet. She had healed and endured such a thing before, and she was determined to do it again. She could and would overcome this. Slowly, the woman released his hand so that he might continue. The woad marked female could admit to herself that a frustration existed within her. She was frustrated that a simple touch had made her flinch, for that flinch was a loss of control and an irretraceable smudge upon her thoughts. It was a smudge that should not be there, but every day she could see it fading. It was simply not fading fast enough, and already it was affecting another.

Cwmfen reached for the fourth fish and ate in silence, eating with the speed with which all lone wolves had learned to eat. And she had learned it quickly: if one could not eat fast enough, the meal would be taken by another. She continued to watch the coyote with tentative eyes as if there were much to say and yet no words with which to say it. "What do you think of them?" the soft melody asked suddenly at length, referring to the unborm pups within her womb. She wondered how he truly thought of the matter because she herself could not answer that query. The black wolf thought of her conversation with Anu, and she knew that a part of her cherished the life that grew within her, that she found this pregnant state to be wonderful. And yet, there was a part of her that did not want that life, that was not sure whether she could raise them, or whether she even wanted to, although she knew that she would. There was a part of her that wanted only to walk the warrior's path. And she wondered what kind of woman such thinking created, for surely such thoughts were unacceptable, even in her culture.


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