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Geneva stretched her shoulders, leaning forward until she heard her spine pop. She wished desperately that she could catch the scent of these strange red vines. They were truly a wonder to behold, a splash of color in the gloom. Still, the Nuncio did not know whether or not she could trust this bit of flora. The bright red just seemed to out of place, considering that everything else around was a somber shade of green or brown. The brightness of the vines could very well serve as a warning.

The gray wolfess did not know very much about the art of herbs or healing, but what little she had gleaned from her previous Commander, Naniko, told her to approach with caution. She knew from books and from discussions with the white furred woman that brightly colored plants were often dangerous. The bright hues were often a warning that the plants were poisonous. She did not know about this particular pigment, and made a note to tell Jefferson about her discovery soon.

Another vibrant color came into her frame of view. Geneva was startled at first, but she recognized a form she had only seen from a distance. The Nuncio had not had the opportunity to meet everyone in her pack yet, but she was certain that this young girl was a member of Phoenix Valley. She had seen the girl with Anya, the woman she had encountered at the borders with DaVinci. "Do not be afraid," Geneva said gently. "My name is Geneva, and I am the Nuncio of this pack."

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