so I'll love whatever you become
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Well, he was glad that it didn't cause her any pain. At least any physical pain. "Hm. Yes, looks cumbersome," he said with another sideways glance at her round belly. "I'm glad it doesn't hurt." That would be awful if it did. Though one thing he did know that the actual birthing process was quite painful. He had heard the screams of labored mothers in the city from time to time. The man hoped that when that time came, it would not be too bad for her. Perhaps her training as a warrior would help to ease the pain like pain was eased or forgotten in battle. Would she want him there for that? To be by her side when the time came? Though even if she didn't want him right there, he would lurk somewhere close in the shadows. He refused to be completely absent from her, not in that critical moment. "Will you want me there? When they come?" He better ask now while it was on his mind instead of putting it off until it was too late to ask her wishes.

That moment seemed to stretch on for a long while and his large ears picked up that slow release of breath. But she countered his statement and offered her justification. Though he did not believe it was her fault either. It was neither of their faults, but the faults of a dead man. A dead man who's shadow still lingered over the pair and the unborn litter in her womb. Almost imperceptibly Onus shook his head. "No. Your body and mind will recover when they are ready to recover." She had been through so much and it had not been that long. She was still healing from it all. Some perhaps may have foolishly expected her to be better by now, but not him. He understood and he would be mindful of her condition and tread with care.

With his hand released Onus looked back to the river. One fish would suffice for him. Suddenly he was becoming tired of standing in the water and his appetite had been slashed. Though he did everything he could to hide that slight darkening of his mood. It was no one's fault, simply the situation affecting him. There were a few more silent moments, filled only with the sound of her eating and the trickle of the water and then another splash and he retrieved the last fish that he would catch this time around. Though as her question sliced through the air it unsettled him, though he gave no outward sign of this. What did he think of them? Slowly he walked out of the water with his fish and settled down on the grass beside her. His gaze looked over his meal, trying to find the right words to answer with. "I...don't know what to expect. And that makes me nervous." It was the truth, he had no idea what would come when those pups were born. "And I do not know how to care for a child. That makes me more nervous." He then realized that they had never discussed what his role was to be in the lives that she bore. "That is if you want me involved with them at all." He could understand if she didn't.


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