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Xeris watched quietly as the others began to wash themselves in the stream. Looking down at her own body, she saw blood--probably Rendall's--staining her white fur. She'd get it off eventually. She placed a foot carefully in the water to test it and found that it was rather cold. For a few moments she attempted to wash some of it off gently, then finally sat back with a sigh as she realized that there would still probably be a bit of a reddish stain there for a while. And most of all, Xeris was tired. It was very late; she'd only now realized how much time had passed.

As she sat back down she felt Pendzez's arm around her shoulder. She blushed a little, but was thankful that he was there. "Yes," she said, "You're right. Thank you, Pendzez." It really did comfort her, being surrounded by friends and with Pendzez to sit beside her. Xeris looked over toward Rendall who was still washing the blood from herself. The little blue wolf seemed to at least be doing OK, but Xeris couldn't help noticing a look of guilt in Rendall's eyes. Xeris frowned, knowing in her heart that what happened wasn't Rendall's fault; however, she decided not to speak up so as not to bother her friend.

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