break common laws in twos and threes
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She remembered this male, from when he'd joined and from a few of the tribal gatherings that Dawali had held. Now that she was helping Dawali with the administrative side of things, she wondered if she might be asked to make a speech or something at one of those meetings. Ember was a straightforward, friendly wolf...but speaking in front of others wasn't her forte. She didn't like it one bit. At least, not large groups of wolves.

Ember had been watching Lannen for a little while now, waiting to see what he might do. He looked so angry...she didn't know what was wrong. But she'd found his behavior curious, and had decided to tail him for the last hour or so. She wanted the members to be happy, to be content with living in Aniwaya. Maybe she'd done something to upset him. Or Dawali had.

When he began to damage the cabin her ears went back. She and Dawali had spent so much time fixing up the village! How could another tribesmember damage it like that? She stepped out of the brush, still frowning. "What do you think you're doing?"


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