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alright, sounds fine to me

Ty was confused when Asariel got up and ran out, was it something he said? He frowned and nodded slowly to nobody in particular, maybe she was just nervous about the prospect of this little fling. It brought Ty to a long, cold, silence, apart from the pattering of the rain. Ty simply reflected on what had been said here, and what both of them had felt. This bit of lust that they both had for one another, strange enough that she said anything, stranger that he responded positively.

However, Ty was also chuckling slightly about what had happened, he just said he would have a relationship with a woman who already was interested in another man, it was certainly funny to him. Ty of course, was simply going with the flow of things, but he had that glint in his eye. That strange, concentrated glint that meant the gears in Ty's head were moving, that a plan was coming into formation, that he was creating something in his head that would play out later. He saw that look in Asariel's eye when she mentioned the other person she was attracted to, and already knew what was going on, but he wouldn't say anything about it until she wanted to.

Many people thought at first impression that Ty was ignorant, foolish, and uninformed. but many people didn't look close enough, he was carefree, but no idiot. There was more going on in Ty's head then people believed, and there were times when Ty knew more ten he let on. This was one of those occasions.

Ty then chuckled again to himself and looked outside, and watched the rain fall, he'd move when it ended, as he was wet enough already.

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