I even looked this up, lolz. x3 Phoenix will smell funny for a while...

She licked the end of a finger, going through page after page of the book. Pneumonia. Pneumonia. It was in here somewhere. She had to remember that it was spelled with a 'P', and not an 'N'. There. She heard the first question as she flipped back through the book, going away from the index, and she looked up for a moment. "Well...not really. I mean to say...that if I wasn't here there is a chance that he could die from it, from lack of fluids or from degeneration of the lungs. I...think that's the right word for it. I'm not sure. There's a chance that he could get a cough from this, one that, if he coughs too much, could harm his lungs. Make him cough up blood. So after I leave, if he starts to cough up blood, you'll need to bring me back." She would stay long enough to make sure that he was well set, though. She wasn't one to abandon a patient; she would return again the next day to check on his condition, then the next, then the next until he was well again.

Her name was being spoken again, and she looked toward Phoenix this time, to the grayscale wolf that now stood next to him. She'd met with Moon a week or two earlier, and had enjoyed being around him--he was a good friend of hers. "That's a good sign already, then." She said, giving him an encouraging smile. It was good to think, no, to believe that the patient was going to get better. It would help the situation, most definitely. The white wolf started to search through her bag, pulling out the many jars and bottles and setting them on the ground next to her. She knew what to do first...but she had to find the right thing. She opened one bottle, sniffing it, then pushed the cork back in and looked for a different one.

"Aha"She said, pulling the cork out of the next one. "Garlic. Let me get some thickening agent, and I can make a strong paste out of this. It's a popular remedy for pneumonia; the plant is a natural healer."In the next fifteen minutes she concentrated on making the paste, then approached Moon, Icarus, and Phoenix. "Now you'll have to move, sweet"She said to the younger of the two males, pulling back the furs that covered the giant alpha."I'll keep the paste in this jar, so that it can be used without it drying up."She began, speaking to all of the wolves. "You'll need to apply a third of a cup's worth to his chest every four hours. Maybe even a bit more than that; he's bigger than the humans that this book was written for."


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