will you still kiss me the same
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He could tell by the way she inched closer to him, into him, that his very presence was a comfort to her. Just as he felt with her, she was soothed simply by his closeness. And he felt even now that he needed her, and that he had for the past few days. A certain thirst was quenched. He needed her very, very much. The time they'd spent apart recently had been more painful than he expected. Kansas savored the moment, knowing what he was about to say would push her away from him again. And her sense of calm would disappear because he would hurt her. After the words left his lips, who knew when she'd want to be close to him again, in any sense? He couldn't even bring himself to think about sex.

She pulled away, and Kansas sighed, knowing the security of their togetherness was over. He couldn't expect it to return any time soon. His eyes closed for a moment when she had finished her worried response. And then he turned to face her, his pale eyes locking on to her stunning emeralds. He could look into her eyes. It was the least he could do. He hadn't been man enough to tell anyone about Naniko's addiction, but he could look into his lover's eyes and tell her he'd known. Maybe that won him just a bit of credit. "Naniko... I, eh... A few days before... the accident, I-I found Naniko in the basement," he paused, aware that by this time, Savina probably knew what was coming.

"She was high. And she told me about... the drugs. I promised I wouldn't tell anyone," His teeth dug into his lip, piercing the skin. When the boy spoke again, his voice barely surpassed a whisper. "I'm s-sorry..."


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