Practice makes perfect
Pendzez found his story very emotional atr best. However, Pendzez guessed it was life's plan, to meet new people, but eventually lose them in some way. If it was meant to be, then the course can't be changed. We may not agree with the plan in a good way, but it must be respected. Otherwise, there is going to be huge problems to make sure people are safe and away from danger. "Don't think of this the wrong way, but it happens. You meet people, but they die. I happened to me a few times, so I should know how it feels"

Pendzez continued to listen as Ty explained about Jeffers more. Jefferson was looked at in one angle as a good teacher, yet a bad language old man. Well, Pendzez knew that despite the grumpiness, it was easy to have Jeffers on his good side. The only time that the hybrid leader ever got annoyed and angry, according to the white wolf, is when someone is being a kiss ass and tries to put on a show. Maybe it was something else as well. "I think something must have happened in his past that made him the way he is. It would be a miracle if he gave a proper smile."

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