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Shhh, I am posting from work. Big Grin

Geneva's examples had been different. It was evident that DaVinci had had a great impact on his son, even though for a lot of his youth he had been out of the picture. It was strange and wonderful to see a bond so clearly forged between the two, linking them together undeniably and eternally. The silvery hybrid had left his mark upon his son, for better or for worse. She was certain that the subleader was proud of his warrior child, although Ty was hardly a child at this point.

"I would be proud to have you as a son," the gray woman said. "I am sure that your father is also proud of you." How could DaVinci not be proud of his upstanding son? Ty seemed to be highly moral and had a code of ethics. That was more than she could say of others. "I am proud to have you as a packmate...and friend."

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