so I'll love whatever you become
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After asking that question the silence hung in the air, though for once that silence unnerved the man. Usually silence wasn't something he minded, in fact he had lived the majority of his life in silence. But right now silence was the last thing he wanted. Perhaps it was still something she needed to think over and he could understand that, but he wished she would say so. Though he couldn't fine the will to say anything more to her at the moment. His tongue was tied and as anxious as this quiet made him he didn't dare break it. Things seemed so fragile now. As if the slightest breath might break one or both of them. The man didn't know why, because he knew his love for her was just as strong as ever and he trusted her's was as well. Yet still, that threatening delicacy was heavy in his mind.

Finally her soft voice cut through the air again and he looked to her. It was a statement, though he wasn't certain if it were any kind of answer to his question. But he did not push for an answer still, only looked into her eyes. This was her life, her body that they were talking about. It was not his place to push her to let him in and it never would be. The love they shared did not give him any sort of dominion over her just as it gave her none over him. Despite being connected they still lead different lives. They did not spend every waking moment together. Although it almost felt like they did ever since that night. Onus did not mind though, even when he was not with her he worried over her. Being with her and seeing her were the only things that even slightly assuaged those fears.

He hoped that nothing he had said had upset her, but he was only being honest. In a situation like this there was only honesty (though the man couldn't recall a time he had ever lied). He looked down at his fish, still refraining from partaking of his meal, and then looked back to her. It both relieved him and scared him that she felt the same as he did. At least she would not blame him for his own nerves, but what a pair they were, both being forced to dive into this and neither knowing how to swim in such waters. A dark, inky river lay before them and they were being shoved closer and closer to making the plunge.

Onus' ears flicked as it seemed that finally and with a certainty his question was being answered, though the words she spoke made those same ears droop. While he had feared her not wanting his involvement he hadn't really believed that it would be the case. He understood her unwillingness to force such a responsibility upon him when the fruit that grew was not of his seed, but still...he could not see his life going any other direction now. For a moment it felt as if she might push him away, but then he felt her weight against him and it was perhaps the most welcome feeling he could have asked for in that moment. Then came the words that he had been wanting so badly to hear. His arm nearest her moved to wrap about her shoulders. "I told you I would be there for you," he spoke softly. "and I will keep that promise. We will face this together." For that is what you did when you loved someone.


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