Myself, My Keeper
before you tell yourself
Maybe they could hunt together?

it's just a different scene

Maybe that was something they could connect over; their mothers' strange behaviours. Dierdre's mother had depressed fits, with suicide attempts and anxiety attacks. Maybe that was what had made Dierdre the way she was--suspicious, untrusting, and not-quite-friendly. At least, to most. With Selene things were easier. It was like talking to a girl version of Pilot, almost.

"Roman was Physe's mate. He's your father? I don't really know a lot about their history-I guess he must have split up with Physe. Too bad the old guy isn't around any more, or you could ask him. You might try asking Naniko, though...she knows pretty much everything about Chimera and all the stuff that went on there." She nodded. "And I'm sorry to hear about your mother. She's okay, though? Mine lives in Jaded Shadows right now"

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