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"You're the first to ever tell me that, but I believe you," Geneva responded in kind. She had watched the way Ty's face and body language had changed. Inner pride had blossomed on his features. She thought it was a good look for him. The young man was obviously so devoted to his path in life. The confidence in his body language now suited him greatly. She was certain that he would grow in confidence and grace in the seasons to come, but he had a wonderful start now.

The gray woman was overcome for a moment, as she thought of her own father. He had been such a large, significant part of her life. When her siblings had gone out to play, Geneva had been too sickly to go outside. Her father had been her companion, her confidante, her world. Geneva wanted to think that he would be proud of her now, that he would still be supportive of her at this time.

She had come so far in such a short time. Her geographic locations had changed. She had traveled from New York to Nova Scotia, but still it was her heart that had changed most of all. "I think of the way I've changed in such a short time, and I am grateful that these changes have brought me here. I love it here."

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