so I'll love whatever you become
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She wished that she knew the path that lay before her. It was dangerous for a warrior to progress without knowing what it was that was ahead, and the black fae had had been careful to act only when she knew surely what it was that would present itself, or perhaps she would act when it was requested of her and no opposing force could rise against such a command. But here, she knew nothing, and she did not wish to progress ahead, not yet. But there was no choice. Time did not wait. Nor did the Fates. These preordained events had simply occurred at the moment in which they were meant to occur, and that was all that she was permitted to know. She had accepted that fact with her usual tranquility. And yet, the nervousness remained. But she did not think that her uneasiness was due to her pregnancy so much as the births of the litter, the lives that would be of her blood.

The woad-banded ears swiveled back as his arm wrapped about her shoulders, an imperceptible smile upon her maw. How strange it was that she so suddenly needed another upon whom to rely. Even when her mother had been alive, she had been on her own, living while Graine simply existed, her soul already dead. And yet, this reliance was something that she wanted, and it was something that Onus could give her, and he did give it to her. The warrior’s only response was a hand that came up to grasp lightly his hand once more, feeling a warmth that went beyond the physical. It was that light about which she had told Anu. The black fae breathed deeply, almost able to hear the chords of the golden song. Only she could not quite reach it, and they were still forgotten.

"What is it that makes you stay?" she asked suddenly, pulling away from the male. She looked at him directly. Her movements were slow and deliberate, and yet they were not cold. She wanted to know, because she could not explain it herself. There was a curiosity, and yet she wondered if he loved someone who had heard the song of light or the song of war. These songs were all but forgotten, needing to be regained. Only their echoes replayed within her, leaking from the wounds that had yet to heal.

With a soft gasp, she sat up. Both of her hands went to her large abdomen, holding it gently, her woad-ringed fingers feeling it gently as if something were occurring. And surely something was, for the unborn within her, as they occasionally did, began to move, kicking up against her. It was a strange feeling, and it never ceased to catch her off guard. There was no way to tell when they would do such a thing, although their activity, as time progressed, seemed to increase. It must have been a good sign, a sign that they were alive and not stillborn. Her gaze turned fully to the woad-marked belly that belonged to her body and yet was not her own, for she shared it with those lives within. While she could not stand to have a seed so black growing within her while her lover watched, while she did not particularly enjoy a pup’s presence, she could not help but feel a quiet delight. That soft, imperceptible smile moved across her quiet lips as she looked back up to Onus, a quiet sadness in those white orbs. And then she looked away, watching the light upon the waters once more. "They move," came the simple explanation, her voice like a dragonfly’s touch upon the surface of a pond.


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