Of rabbits, snowflakes, and Luperci
[html]Dierdre hadn't yet reached the hunter rank in her pack, but she was hoping to get there someday. She really did like hunting more than scouting; she didn't care much for watching borderlines and greeting people. Dierdre was generally a loner, with Pilot and Phoenix being the exceptions to that rule. She didn't have a lot of friends, and didn't mind that...and she hated awkward social situations. So far she was liking being around Meer--an oddity for her.

"I have something I can use to get the deer, if you would be able to scare it out" She offered. She usually carried her bow with her, strung onto her back--and today was no exception to that. "It's right here---my bow. I can shoot an arrow at it to kill it, if I can get at the right angle"[/html]

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