Can we sing a little tune
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He laughed with her, not unkindly, at her confession of sorts. Vigilante saw no problems with staying within your pack borders, but he knew he could not be confined as such. It was necessary for him to be allowed to roam and see what was around him so that he might completely feel at home, but he did not feel that he could ever be tied down to the pack lands permanently. He was just too used to being on his own, and as much as he was liking pack life, he needed to see what was outside the figurative walls, too. Looking over at the wolf beside him quickly before averting his gaze back to the water, Vigilante decided that she - like so many other females here - was very pleasant to be near and look at, indeed.

The doggish man felt her eyes studying him, so he kept himself held still in his relaxed position to give her a better chance, as he knew what it was like to watch and search, although he was unaware of what she might be looking for, or if it was just an interest in looking. "Whenever you feel you're ready to explore outside of the pack lands," he mused, thinking back to the fruit trees he had found before meeting Adelaida, "I would be honored to accompany you. I found some lovely fruit-bearing trees I would like to revisit, as well, and perhaps see if there are any in the pack lands." Otherwise, he had begun to consider transporting one of the trees into the pack lands so that he might tend to it there, rather than in unclaimed land near another pack.


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