A flight of fancy on a windswept field
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/ ... leboat.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

ooc -

I got your pm, even though I barely log into that account (yay for Catacombs things? XD), and, yeah, if I get caught up, I can try and do some faster posting and stuff before I've gotta work. ^^

ic -

After the inital defensive stance, the dark female seemed to be pretty friendly, Vigilante came to realize as he studied her leaning form against the side of the strange human machine. She evidently kept herself in shape, and she was very easy on the eyes (but then, to someone so intent on finding someone to love him, weren't most females?). What was not sitting easily with him was that he did not yet know her name. He had gone long periods of time without knowing someone's name before (for example, the coyote that was also a vigilante, where he had forgotten to ask until just before he left him), but he did not like that to happen with pretty females, not a single bit.

No, he decided, still watching her intently as she spoke. Pretty females deserved to flaunt their names so that the world might know them personally. "I suppose I could do that," he said, stressing the words in an exagerated manner to show just how much of a terrible "inconvenience" this was, although the smile on his face betrayed the joking words. "On one condition. Would the lovely lady share her name with me?" There was much to be said for the eloquence of words, and it was so much easier to ask in a personalized manner, rather than asking everyone, "Who are you?" That was so much more. . . Intimidating, and less friendly.


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