so I'll love whatever you become
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This time when he touched her she did not flinch, her body did not reject his contact, and for that he was relieved. Though of course he knew that touching her shoulders was much different than touching her below her waist. For it was on her lower body that the trauma had been most acute, though he did not doubt that the crow wolf had abused her elsewhere. He still hated that he had not been able to save her from that awful fate. Unlike his love he did not believed that everything was preordained, he did not believe in destiny. There was no absolute fate. That was perhaps one of the reasons he felt responsible for what had happened and what continued to happen. If he had been able to protect her as he had promised, then she would not be pregnant now. It was at least partially his fault that this had happened, at least in his mind.

When she pulled away his torso turned to face her directly and his veiled gaze locked with her's. There was barely a moment of silence between her question and his answer, for it was not something he had to ponder. Not something that required any thought on the male's part. "Love." Was it not obvious? Yes, there was that feeling of responsibility, but even if that were not there, he would stay for love. His love for her transcended anything the coyote had ever felt. It was stronger than any power he had ever imagined. He was tied to her, spiritually. His heart beat with her's. As long as she lived, he would never stray far from her side. The vigilante had scorned connections his entire life, but this one he held onto willingly. He embraced it.

At her gasp a tension filled him and concerned grabbed at his chest. His eyes looked to her distended belly as her hands held it. What was wrong? Was she suddenly in pain for some reason? He wanted to ask these questions but it was if his voice had left him. Not being able to speak, Onus watched Cwmfen carefully, searching for any more signs of pain or discomfort. But none came. She only looked at her abdomen and then softly smiled, looking back up at him. But then it seemed the smile faded and she looked away. The large ears flicked at her explanation. She could feel them move within her? How strange. He could not even begin to imagine how such a thing felt.

Still unable to find his voice, the man's hand moved back out to her hesitantly. Lightly, as a leaf falls on the ground, his hand rested on her back. Would she recoil again? He hoped not. It seemed that progress had been made and then quickly pulled away again.


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