She ran until her feet refused to hold

pp, let me know if i need to change anything. ill ask james to join us :3

     The weather was worsening, as the two sisters moved side by side. Brooklyn in her optime form and Mati as a feral lups. They moved with a fluid motion and it was when they moved together that it could be seen that they were sisters. Mati had never seen the resemblance in their forms, taking after the mother they sought in size and then truly nothing else. Brooklyn had taken her coat, her beauty and her willfulness. Maybe her smaller stature and figure was from the coyote in their fathers blood. The violet eyes fey moved to a swift trot, beating the thoughts out of her mind with pressured paw steps.

     A scent came, heading east and flowing towards then in the heavy wind. The keen hunters followed it, moving as if it was a deer in the brush and they starving beasts. The city was close, the foliage sparse and the tree still young and newly born from natures recapture of the developed lands. In silence they worked together to keep the trail, the rain and moisture keeping it heavy on the ground. If she had been trailing another the young woman might have felt it necessary to slow and rest but Mati found that she had more energy then she had started with. Letting Brooklyn move ahead, Mati shifted. When she returned to her sisters side, newborn and tall, purple eyes looked onto a human dwelling. It was obvious that the scent ended here.


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