What a mess

.......ooc words 527

.......Leroy's feet splashed into the water as his maw dipped down to the water, the husky had finished his rounds on the usually areas but a good sprint felt nice. Lamping up some cool water it slid quickly down his throat before settling in his gut, that was want he needed alright. Pulling his head up the husky gazed up at the cloudly sky, watching the few birds that was scanning the skies that day. today was one day that Leroy was feeling good about, he wasn't why he felt full of energy this day. Maybe from all the work he has been doing has been a good then.

.......Letting out a few panted breaths of air the last of the water that had stuck to his maw was quickly licked away, stepping through the small stream, that was higher now because of the rains his large paws splashed through it until they pressed into the damp grass. 'things are starting to feel a little better' Leroy shifted his weight was ease as his hind paw scratched at the itch on the side of his neck, before his paw touched the ground the paniced cry hit his ears. The pattenered hybird's body shot straight up as his ears fanned forward, the cry wasn't to far away as everything in his mind went high speed.

.......The halfing's black and white form darted forward towards Ruri's call for help, tail high with his hair on end Leroy slammed his paws to the ground as he ran. The scents came to him first and it made his lips pull back over his fangs, pushing himself further his red eyes locked ahead ready for the body to come into view. Coyote. He knew the scent of the animal, though Ruri was blind and this could be bad indeed. A loud growl rose in his throat as everything was quickly set in motion.

The husky exploded from the woods, his heavy body crushing the small bushes and trees as a loud roar like snarl ripped from his throat. Leroy was locked onto the coyote, who didn't seem to pay much attention to anything around him as he just jerked the husky's way at the last second. Kicking off the patterned male crashed into the gray coyote, the sound of them hitting was loud and simliar to the breaking of stone or wood. Falling to the ground Leroy placed himself between the animal and the house as another loud snarl left his throat with a hard snap of his jaws, the gray loner growled back but Leroy didn't care if his growled or laughed as they charged one another. Slamming together knocked the coyote off balance, it would seem it thought this would work well for him. Jaws shot forward into the gray shoulder, Leroy didn't even notice the cut on his chest as he crushed his jaws together. A cry of pain was his reward as the warm blood filled his mouth, shacking his head Leroy faught the struggling coyote slammed him with his patterned body. This is a interesting day indeed



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