i'm done feeling like a skeleton.
http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/char ... _tears.jpg); background-color:#0E141B; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:246px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; padding-bottom:10px;">
Hooray! I'm so glad someone replied to this. :]

    The big wolf was pretty upset. His belly was growling and both his dignity and his paw ached, and he was not in a good mood, for once in his merry life. He almost wished he was back at home, tucked away with a book in some corner of his warm house, his mother making some stew downstairs in the kitchen. He was salivating at that thought, and so lost in memory was the silver wolf that he did not recognize the presence of another until the child's scent drifted over to him on the slight breeze. His head jerked upright and he fell on a black and white pup's face, peering over at him from behind a tree.

    He smiled meekly over at her, nodding his big head in her direction. "I see you there!" he called, his voice friendly and it's usual low baritone. Already things were looking up—puppies always brightened the mood, and by the looks of it this one was about six or seven months of age, maybe a bit younger. He grinned at her and waved a big paw, lifting it awkwardly. He wasn't as stiff in motion as a Lupus, but his Secui form wasn't intended to wave, either, and he looked rather silly.

    "Come on out," he added, wagging his tail now. He had set his foot back down on the ground, and he was looking over eagerly in the youngster's direction. Char really liked puppies; he remembered his mom growing big and round with them, and often he really badly wanted to be a father. He loved playing with puppies and goofing off with them, it was just too much fun. The indigo gaze regarded the blue-black youth, his teeth showing in a friendly smile.


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