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rendall, pendzez, ty, anya

The rain had slowed to a slight drizzle, but still enough for Xeris to feel it against her aching body. She'd shifted to lupus form so that there was less weight for her to drag along on her three good legs. How she'd made it back to Phoenix Valley alive, she'd never know, but the white wolf could definitely smell the familiar scent of her home, welcoming to her nose as opposed to the disturbing smell of Inferni that she had only just escaped.

Xeris was a mess. Her normally white coat was stained with deep red and she was heavily favoring her most definitely broken right foreleg. Her face was marred with red as well where the coyote had bitten her muzzle. However, her biggest injury was undoubtedly the jagged, horizontal slash along her left side caused by her opponent's dangerous canine teeth. She was breathing heavily, despite how painful it was for her to do so, looking around for someone to help her or at least somewhere safe to rest.

Finally she was unable to continue any further and collapsed to the ground beneath a large dead tree. She closed her golden eyes wearily and began to slip into unconsciousness, hoping deep in her mind that someone would come to rescue her...


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