i'm done feeling like a skeleton.
http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/char ... _tears.jpg); background-color:#0E141B; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:246px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; padding-bottom:10px;">
Omg! This is the greatest thing ever to Charon. TWO wolves to befriend? haha. Thanks for joining, Spirit! Big Grin

    The big silver wolf was ready to make friends. He loved puppies like any normal wolf did, holding them pretty high up on his list of likes. Those sharp, white teeth showed, though his smile was perfectly pleasant. It was doubtful the big Arctic wolf had a single mean bone in his body; malice just did not seem a part of his character. He wasn't a stranger to anger and irritation, however; it was these twin emotions which had helped drive him from his original home in the frozen north. The youngster slid out from behind the tree, carrying an obvious limp in her paw. There was an immediate frown on Charon's muzzle, and he wondered if someone had actually gone and hurt the child. That thought darkened his mind a little, and he wondered if whoever had hurt this kid was right behind her. Char would give him a piece of his mind, for sure. Not that he wouldn't get his behind romped when they actually got to fighting—as big as he was, the Secui had never been in a serious fight in his life and he had virtually no experience. If he managed to win, it would be by sheer size and dumb luck.

   He grinned at her as she came towards him, that white flag still waving behind him. "I'm Charon, nice to meet—" and before he could finish his thought, the pup was on the ground, cowering. His big indigo eyes followed her gaze, falling on Spirit just as she finished her shift. For once, the silvery male's smile was uncertain, though he did not hesitate to display it to the female. She was a fair bit older than the youngster, and Char wondered darkly for a minute if this was the one who had hurt the black and white puppy. He would protect the youngster, if so. "Hey there," he called over to her, less certain than he had been before about greeting the younger wolf. He wasn't quite sure what was going on here, but so long as the new stranger was friendly, Char wouldn't have any problem hanging out with these two this afternoon. His tail wagged in a friendly manner, showing no aggressiveness toward the other wolf, though he did take one big step toward Rendall, closing the distance between himself and the puppy.


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