[P]romised Art

OOC: 300+

Well, as ready as I could ever be, really, he replied jokingly. He had taken a long time deciding over the meaning of his tattoo. Knowledge was something that had defined his adult life and to have permanently on his skin the mark of his adulthood, that would be nothing to regret doing. Pain was a given, he had not expected it to be like a simple child's drawing and the needles stood testimony to the fact that he would be pricked several times before this was over. Hanna mentioned allergies, but he suffered from nothing like that, insofar as he was aware. He shrugged slightly and said, No allergies. And fear not for the pain, I think I can handle it quite well. It was a bit of a lie for he had had nothing like this done before, but he wouldn't worry her needlessly.

He watched her tattoo for a moment, trying to discern its meaning, but when she did not explain it, he asked nothing. An old coyote in a bar somewhere in Europe, his fur greying and his tattoos more visible, had told him that for some, the inked marks were private. Some got them to remind them of the deaths of loved ones, others for the birth of their first living litter. Some gladly explained what they meant while others hid the secret away in the deepest corners of their heart, never releasing it. Her mention of Mew made him look away, bashfully. She doesn't know it yet, so it will be a surprise. I hope she won't mind. As for anyone in the leadership, well, our Adonis is marked well herself, he added, thinking of Cwmfen. The woad warrior would be the one to understand for sure. Shall we get started, then? Lubomir was anxious, true, but he trusted Hanna's skill would pull everything through.


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