http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv28 ... /raven.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom; border:1px solid black;">
Right, so if there's anything you feel like asking about during the thread, ask away! And remember, you can make more threads with people if you want - just ask them first! Smile
Word Count: 304

An unknown voice called out to him, and when the sound reached his ears it caused his brow to wrinkle. He was not accustomed to this. He knew that when he had promoted Ember into sub-leadership, he should expect to no longer have the complete overview of everything, but it would take some time getting used to. Although he had not heard this voice before, he assumed it was the newly joined female - Ember had still mentioned it to him. Ter..some name beginning with T, anyway. He was getting older, and his memory was poor. Rising from the blanket he was weaving, he left them at the center table of his self-built den and walked outside. The air was fresh and tasted nice on their way into his lungs, and the flying raindrops landed on his face as if a soft caress from the skies. It was a good idea to go outside anyway, he spent too much time inside. It wasn't as if it was getting colder outside yet.

He was in his shifted form, and to his own satisfaction his two legs soon carried him to the spot he had estimated the female to be - and he was right. Ahead on the path sat a female with strange colors, one he had not met before. She smelled of his own tribe, though, and he was certain she must be the female Ember had spoken about. One arm was raised above his head as he approached her, waving in a greeting, and his deep voice called out through the falling rain. Hey there! You called for me? His words still hung in the air as he came closer to her, stopping at a comfortable distance some feet away. Boy, what strange pelt colors - he'd never seen anything like it.


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