((OOC)) Thanks i'm not using Firefox unfortunately. I have a mild case of Dislecsia and i find typing to help somewhat. I'll make my answers in word then spellcheck.


Terrasa nodded. "indeed Ember found me a few moons ago. She granted me access on to the lands. " she explained.

" My name is Terrasa Earthkore. I was born many many months travel away form here. Please do not take my surprise to heart. I have never met a wolf who took such a stance when walking, Although i can say it is certainly curious. " she added mostly to herself.

She stood and looked over the brute, a small smile curved over her maw. She found him to be friendly, and knowing that he was the leader of the tribe she was now a part of she nodded mentally. 'that makes sense, he looks fair and wise, and strong, Leader material if ever i saw it. ' the thought to herself before turning and waiting for the brute to speak once more.

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