She ran until her feet refused to hold
Table by Jael

Two figures came toward her through the smoke toward her and at first she wondered if she really was going crazy. Without the drugs for comfort the woman had felt very, very alone...she had seen things a few times, or thought she had. Ghosts, maybe. Naniko believed in those kinds of things, that spirits could remain on this planet. But it would make more sense for the ghosts to be humans and not wolves. She had never seen an actual human for herself...she'd only heard of them and seen pictures.

"Brooky. Oh, Brooky...what are you doing here?" She asked. The white girl seemed to be in a hurry, for some reason. She didn't want to stay and watch the building burn? As soon as she opened her mouth to speak, though, the other came toward her. Mati. She frowned and stepped back from the pair of them and from the building, growling at accusing tone that her second daughter had given her. "What the fuck does it look like I've done, Mati? This was the place where everything started...where I found that shit to begin with. All of it needs to be destroyed."


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