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As said before, Ty was not a medicinal man, he only knew a few meditative techniques to neglect pain, but apparently Xeris was feeling better, so Ty took the post as guard. Seeing the blood trail towards inferni territory, Ty was wary that something could have followed her. Whether it was a coyote or another puma or anything would have followed, Ty would be ready for it, ready to defend his friend, but that wasn't the only thing on his mind. None of this made sense, why did Xeris cross the boarder? What was she looking for over there?

But that wasn't just it, why had the coyotes attacked her? At best, he could guess trespassing on their territory, but was that really a necessary retaliation to attack her? she wasn't dead, so that means they weren't aiming to challenge Phenoix Valley to a war, but this definitely showed how much hostility they had. Ty then began to wonder what the Valley would do in reaction to this? It's not like they could really take this sitting down. Ty's warrior side began to think of this situation tactfully, he didn't want to cause an uprising here, but he didn't want this just to go unnoticed. However, he was getting ahead of himself, perhaps asking xeris about it later would be the wiser choice of action. Ty simply kept his mouth shut for now and looked in the woods for any sign of pursuers.

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