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His fur was stained with the white females blood. He ignored it. He was holding on to a life that he loved dearly. He wasn't to let her go or leave her side. He remained with her. Holding her, comforting her. Pendzez moved his hand and left it on the side of her neck, his other hand stroking through her fur on her head. He wouldn't let her be alone.

It was then that she was saying about her leg being broken. He looked down to the leg which she was saying was broking. It looked broken. However, he needed a bandage or a strip of cloth to tie the stick as a sprint. The leg needed to remain motionless. Otherwise, it would have problems with healing properly. "I need you to keep it the way it is. Don't move it around at all." He looked up a Ty. "I need some cloth, Ty."

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