The Outside Corner
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The water and the mud filled her fur, tickling her skin as they came. Giggling and screaming with her delight, she had watched as the image of the sky and the clouds reflected in the puddle disappear by the ripples she made upon it. And rolling about, she could watch the sky and the clouds, although the mud and the water jumped up and landed on her face. They wanted to play too! So the creamy puppy turned over, biting the water so that she could wrestle with it, although the water simply slipped away. It was a very strenuous thing, to try and catch the water.

Suddenly, someone else was in the puddle with her. Amata paused, a look of surprise upon her face. Her wide eyes darted about, attempting to find who it was that had suddenly joined her. The sudden shriek caused her to scream in return, a high pitched sound that was drawn out. And the pup was able to realize that she couldn’t see because the water and the mud had fallen over her eyes. With that having been discovered, Amata shook her fur, spraying the water and the mud in every direction. Amata giggled loudly as she sneezed, looking up now to find who it was that was sharing the puddle with her. And then— "Got’am!" She called her brother’s name, yelling it in his face with all her happiness and glee. What a pleasant surprise that he was here to play with her. Now she wouldn’t be alone, and she could play and have fun with her brother who had pretty blue eyes. I’s has a blue eyes too, she thought delightedly. And that was a good thing, because that mean that they were related, and she liked being related to Got’am.

Immediately she pounced on him, growling as she bit at the ruff of his neck. Her growling was made to sound vicious, but it was more comical that vicious, her girly wiles unable to produce such a frightening visage. And she growled lovingly, putting her paws—which she now saw were dark brown—upon her brother’s shoulder. The colour of her own fur surprised her. I’s not has that colours fur! The ceamy pup leapt back, splashing water and mud all about as she turned her eyes downward. As the water settled, she could see her reflection (and the sky’s reflection too) and she found that she was indeed a different colour. Her blue and green eyes were wide as she turned to Got’am. "Got’am, looks!" she exclaimed in her disbelief. "Sometings are wrongs! My furs iss not white anymores!" As if to emphasize such a fact, the little girl lifted a paw from the puddle, water and mud dripping from her little claws and from her darkened fur. "Why’s my furs likes this nows?" It was a curious thing indeed. "I’s guesses I’s looks likes yous and Cambi now," she supposed, her head tilted as she tried to explain such a thing further but could not.


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