Lean on me
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As much as he hated it, he wished he had some drinks inside the house. When he had moved in he had made a conscious effort to keep all alcohol out of the building, but now he was regretting that decision. With the pain of his broken heart, Haven was craving his old vice. He was doing his best to stay strong and resist the siren call of the fiery liquid but each hour that passed made it more difficult. The young Knight's resolve was quickly vanishing. He knew he wouldn't be able to stay away from it much longer. He had no intention of letting what had happened to him before happen again, but he needed the reprieve, the escape. He needed to forget, if only for a few hours.

But it was too late tonight to make the trip to the city, so sleep was the best alternative for him now. The hybrid laid down in his bed and pulled up the covers, closing his eyes and willing his mind to sink into slumber. But within a matter of moments his eyes were open and roaming around the room. Growling he turned over on his other side and wrapped the sheets more tightly around him. Please just let me sleep. Sleep might bring nightmares, but he preferred those to the nightmare he was currently living. There wasn't a second of the day that he felt at all content. All he felt was pain.

He didn't know how long he laid there wishing that he could just fall asleep, but it never happened. Then, as if his own house were attempting to torture him more, a whiff of her scent danced across his nose. Tears pricked at his eyes. "No..." he said with a whine. That was it. Haven threw the covers back and left his room. Hastily he burst through the front door and into the cool night air. The male sunk down to the ground and buried his face in his hands, a quiet sob escaping his chest.


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