Live like you were dying

She wasn't sure if she liked the idea that this male might be a brother-type to her...she already had so many of those. But she could use a friend, she knew that. If Moon was his half brother, through Phoenix's side, then he wasn't related to her at all. Really, they weren't even related through blood at all...even if he was Iskata's son. Because she wasn't the Sadira's daughter.

She had been so involved with the Sadiras that she really did consider herself a part of the family. Any Sadira was a cousin, a brother, an aunt or grandparent, however far away.

"Good to meet you. You've got a horse, I see---I haven't seen one of them in ages. Does he mind being patted?" She wouldn't admit that she had a way with animals, because she didn't know if that applied with horses. Could she speak with a horse the way she could with the other lower creatures? "Hello, friend" She said to the horse, extending her open palm toward its nose for sniffing. "I guess Selene or Kansas told you about me? I've come up here a few times, to see them and Dierdre"


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