Lean on me

The sudden sound of Haven bursting through his front door startled the slate and ivory female. She heard the characteristic 'thud' of someone sinking rapidly to the ground followed by the sound of quiet sobbing. "Haven? What's wrong?" she questioned, her half-folded collie ears tilting backwards worriedly. Haven didn't strike here as someone who would cry just over anything. Something must have gone horribly wrong. What was it? The delicate optime didn't know, of course, and she dared not speculate. He would tell her if he felt the need. Right now, though, she could just be here for him. She was good at that.

The petite female rose from her sitting position and took a few steps closer towards the distressed male. His scent combined with the faint sound of his sobs gave her a good idea of where he was located. She did not come too close however. He hadn't acknowledged her, and she did not wish to startle him or anything like that. Once again she knelt down on the ground, her blind, pale blue eyes flickering around in Haven's general direction. She no longer cared about tiring herself out. In fact, she wanted to stay awake now. Ruri was hopeful that the knight would be willing to talk about what was wrong. That might help ease the pain he was feeling. He could shout, he could cry, he could get as angry as he wanted. She wouldn't judge him. Sometimes letting it out was the best way to stop the pain, and she was a willing target. Jac had said it was her job to help make the other pack members feel better, and she would do her best to fulfill that role.



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