All the survivors, singing in the rain

The unease that she felt was disappearing. No, she still held doubt but the hesitation that the female felt around her once leader was drifting away. As the moments passed, she became more confident and more relaxed with her own position. Yes, Anu might have wronged her when she did not rush to her aid or when she and Savina asked (or demanded) her to go. But, when Anu thought deeply she could not find the painful feeling that would accompany something like a lie or if she had injured another. When she was once flooded with guilt Anu could set her eyes on the other woman and breathe deeply with out feeling it. “I hope that works.” Her tone was light, honest. Anu wished that it would and that she wouldn’t fall off the wagon. Burning buildings seemed extreme, but if it was what Naniko needed then Anu wouldn’t question it.

But Naniko was not without fault. Here she stood, sober it seemed, with a litter growing in her womb and still she had not asked of Cambria. Perhaps Mati and Brooklyn had spoke of her, but Anu could not see remorse in her tone or features. She had wronged many of them, if not all. With lies, secrets and claiming to be their leader while spiraling down a path of addiction. As much as Naniko needed to explore her options, didn’t the pack need to know their own options? Having Naniko there would return the familiar presence of the white wolfess, it would bring their medicine worker back. But without trust, would any of her talents be of worth? That was not for Anu to decide, but each member would need to make that choice.

“Maybe we should all think on it.” Anu spoke. Maybe she was wrong, maybe the pack would not want her. What did she know? She wanted them to want her; perhaps that’s what she had meant in the last words she had spoken. “Crimson Dreams has always been a safe place Naniko. That hasn’t changed.” Not until she had started the drugs. It was harsh to think it, but she had the ability to be more dangerous to her unborn children, if she did not manage to burn every remnants of her addiction, then Crimson Dreams would ever be. Thoughts better kept unsaid.



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