Myself, My Keeper
Sure, can do that. Mom is done from England and forcing me to go off.

Her mom had fevered dreams and little of what she said made sense any longer. She would talk to those that weren't there and talk of times that seemed to be long past. But there were days that she appeared better than others. Days that she would appear almost sane. But then it would decline quickly after that. She would become a shell of what she had formerly been and take to sleeping longer and longer though she was never silent any longer.

"She spends alot of time sleeping and talking in her sleep. She talks to people who aren't there and about things that aren't happening. She lives in Taceli." She didnt really know if her mom was okay any longer or not. She only knew what was going on when she had left. It had been a good little bit since she had left. A couple months or so. Plenty could have changed in that time. But she certainly hoped not.

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