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Asariel nodded slowly as she listened to Rendall's story about the cougar. The woman had never encountered one of the cats herself, but she could tell she didn't want to. She had an image of them in her mind; glinting yellow eyes, rippling muscles under a thin coat of tawny hide, large paws with four long claws that could be retracted. Large, sharp incisors, slightly yellowed, were revealed when the cat pulled back its lips to let free a ferocious snarl. Its long tail flicked in annoyance and it crouched; then it leapt through the air, paws spread, claws protruded. She played it out in her mind; the large cat landed on its prey (she imagined it as a rabbit; the Cat's usually only catch larger specimens by hiding in a tree until something came along, and then it would leap down onto it's victim's back and bite through the neck) and killed in instantly. She shuddered inwardly as she imagined what the small rabbit had been thinking. Had it felt any pain in the last few moments of its life? Most likely.

Her attention was drawn back to Rendall when the youngster mentioned the butterflies. She blinked. Well that was unusual, she thought. "Oh really? I love butterflies." The lady set her mug down and stood up, walking over to where the six-legged critters sat. She extended her hand, slowly, then waited for a few moments. A striking yellow and black butterfly (Asariel was able to identify it as a Swallowtail) fluttered around her head for a few moments before settling down on her hand. A triumphant smile spread across her face. She walked back over to Rendall and sat down, the little insect still resting on her, folding and unfolding its wings periodically. She smiled at the pup. "I think they're so pretty. The Great One was sure creative when He made these, wasn't He?" Asariel had heard of the human's God, Whose Son, Jesus, had come to Earth many, many, many years ago, only to die for man's sins. She had found the story absolutely amazing and so interesting that she had adopted their God as her own, in a way. She wasn't overly religious; she didn't even really mention Him too much, but once in a while it slipped.


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