let the rain of what I feel right now come down
Nobody, that's who. It's okay to get mad at Miyu, though. C:

For most, time improved them. They outgrew their shyness, forgave the unfair wrongs that transpired, learned to accept themselves. And somehow, in an affront to nature, Coli decayed. She had been born with bravery and confidence, the sole survivor of her litter, frail though her health had been. She could just vaguely remember the feeling of freedom, of fearing nothing and exploring and being able to laugh off anything. And like a poison slowly leached through her being, all of her good qualities began to erode and vanish. The more time passed, the more doubt and terror and unhappiness pulsed through her veins. Perhaps she had been corrupted by the Soul gene after all. None of them were safe - they just did not know how their fragile psyches would respond to the darkness of their progeny. It felt so... irreversible. Did she have an antidote?

"I... thought the same," she finally admitted, damp ears tucked back shyly. "I thought... I mean, I know we made a promise, and that's what brought me here," she tried to explain, always so flustered by the cool beauty of the mature Dreamer. She seemed more unapproachable every time they met. This was the just the third time, but it was hard to keep track of in Coli's mind - after every vivid scene was replayed a thousand times during the course of an average day, and new scenarios blossomed in her dreams, it seemed like they had been together forever. And the fantasies were ever so tempting to slip into... especially when reality held such uncertainty and tension. The tension made her so jumpy, nervous, eager to please, just to see a real smile that might shine some light through the foggy drizzle.

“I had hoped you would visit, sooner.”
The gentle caress of those words finally sank in through her anxious haze, and she made eye contact, yearning and desperation flashing in her robin's egg gaze. Anu's eyes seemed darker, more brilliant, more captivating than ever. Had she erred? Should she have visited as soon as the impulse struck her, rather than letting reason and modesty hold her back? She had certainly done herself no good, hiding from everyone who drifted nearby. She had been a silly, foolish girl. "I'm sorry, Anu," she exhaled, bowing her head sadly and shuffling nearer to the wolf whose presence calmed her so. "I'm a selfish creature. I've been relying on... you... to keep myself from drowning. I just thought... that it was obvious... and that you really wouldn't want to be dragged down by something as pathetic as me."

The downtrodden whisper fell from her lips, harmonizing with the dull murmur of the rain. There was no bad news, no other lover, no terrible tragedy that had held her back. Just the sad realization that she had nothing to offer this nature spirit, this entrancing goddess. Anu was offering her a new life in so many ways, and Coli could not help but feel that her efforts would all go to waste. Nothing could change the way she was now. And yet, she was still inexplicably drawn to return to her... the magnetic tug that made her chest ache when she thought of the distance between them. Was she not a terrible person, for still wanting to return to her side?


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