Lean on me
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... orse_t.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Sorry short D:

Tears made little rivers down his cheeks but he was surprised to hear his named called out. Removing his face from his hands the young male looked around and his bleary eyes settled on the small form for Ruri. A sudden fear clenched his heart. Did she know how he had hit Jac the other day? Had she come here to yell at him for that? But no, she had asked what was wrong. No doubt if the King had told her about the other day he would have told her why he was so distressed. So she didn't know. Haven sniffled, wiping his eyes. "Ruri..." He managed to say as she came closer to him. It was so hard to put into words when he wasn't raging over it.

He took a few more shuddering breaths, trying to compose himself so he could tell his friend what was wrong. Jade eyes clamped shut as he thought about it all. It all just hurt so much. "It's...Siobhan...s-she...left me!" Immediately his sobs began again with a renewed force and he pressed his forehead against his knees. He still didn't understand why. Nothing could make him understand why she had gone. Though by this point he had convinced himself that she hadn't ever loved him. If she had, she wouldn't have done this to him. Now it was all broken and it could never be put back together again.


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