Package from a past life
Pendzez had been in an opening area of the near by forest. He wanted to have some peace as he wanted to practice with a new weapon which he managed to salvage from an old hut the was in the neutral territories. The weapon was a sword that was from the Asian country of Japan. A Masamune. One of the blades that was used by samurai warriors and was traditionally used in bushido. He held the blade in his right and the sheath in his left, the blade shining in the sun light. The sheath showing the gold that lined it.

He stood silent, looking down, but with his eyes closed to block out the thoughts that would potentially interfere. His limbs were motionless, his mind clear, his concentration rising. Then, with a burst of movement, he swung the blade of the Masamune around, along with the sheath. He was using it in the traditionally matter, ending his movement with another slashing move with cut a falling leaf in two. He was some way, a samurai.

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