Practice makes perfect
"Just curious." Ty said calmly as he laid back down on the soft ground, leaning up against a tree. His eyes stared up into the sky, staring at the clouds as a small gust of wind rustled his fur. "You and her....just seem very close when you two are around each other. And to be honest here...I think she's very interested in you." His eyes darted to Pendzez as he spoke before turning back to the endless blue of the sky. "I don't know if you thought about this before...but you may want to try being with her. Of course...that's this humble wolf's opinion." and let out a small breath as he tried to get more comfortable.

Ty then turned his attention to a small spider that was crawling across his chest, tickling him as it scuttled along his fur. A few times, it got stuck in the tangles of his fur. he smiled lightly and let the small creature travel onto his hand, then moving his hand to a nearby branch to let the small thing continue on it's path. He sighed lightly and placed both hands behind hiss back, wondering what to talk about now. Sending a curious look over to Pendzez, he asked the white noble "So what brought you here then? To the valley? Chance? Or was it something else?"

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